What Can You Expect from Coaching?

You can expect a confidential, safe non-judgmental environment, that will challenge, question, support, and stretch you to excel in the direction of your goals.

Truth telling — you can count on me to gently tell the truth and provide insights. As your coach, I clearly understand where you are heading and will be “holding that space” for you-as you journey in that direction.

Powerful questions — ever realize how powerful, thought-provoking questions give you greater insight than another’s just giving you advice? Powerful questions and self-discovery, with brainstorming, “consulting,” stuff to do, and results are all part of what you can expect from coaching.

Accountability — what could you achieve if you actually did what you keep telling yourself you “should” do? As your coach, I hold you accountable to complete tasks, face fears, and follow through on important items that might be too easy to just let slide.