How Coaching Works
Coaching is usually done over the phone. I generally meet with clients weekly for 45-60 minute sessions. I also offer email and phone support between our regular scheduled calls.
During the first session, we look at your current life situation to get a birds-eye view of what is going on for you. And, from this we create goals from which to start working with. During this session, we also discuss how you would like to be coached and what works and doesn’t for you.
If coaching sounds interesting, we can start with a sample session. This gives you a chance to “sample” coaching, and see if it is for you.
Other Aspects
The coaching relationship lasts for as long as you want to be coached. In most cases, clients choose to be coached for 6 months to 2 years or longer. Some have achieved desired results in 2 – 3 months. It is always up to what works best for you.